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Dr. Emelyne LECUYER

Postdoctoral researcher in the Microenvironment and Immunity unit – Institut Pasteur (Paris)

Emelyne Lécuyer is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Microenvironment and Immunity unit headed by Professor Gérard Eberl at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. Following university studies specialised in nutrition, she did a research internship with the team of Professor Joël Doré at the INRA Research Centre in Jouy-en-Josas. Alongside Dr Catherine Juste, she attempted to describe the functional signatures of the microbiota of overweight patients. Passionate about studying the microbiome, in late 2008 she joined the team of Professor Nadine Cerf-Bensussan at Necker Medical School in Paris to do her doctoral thesis, expanding her expertise to immunology by researching the impact of microbial colonisation on the development of the intestinal immune system. She participated in describing the very specific properties of one bacteria in the microbiome, segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB). After completing her PhD, in 2013 she joined Professor Lesnik’s team at INSERM U1166 at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital for her first postdoctoral fellowship, developing research studies linking metabolic disease, the microbiota and immunity.

Since 2016, Emelyne has been part of Professeur G. Eberl’s team at the Institut Pasteur, where she is continuing her research on the microbiota-immune system-nutrition axis.

Emelyne has been able to carry out her research projects thanks to various prizes awarded by the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM – Foundation for Medical Research) in 2011 and the Fondation de France – Fondation Lefoulon Delalande in 2015.